Today is the 12th day since the leader of the strongest opposition party Janez Janša is unjustly imprisoned, thus he and the voters are systematically violated human rights and fundamental freedoms. Unjustified, unfair and unlawful imprisonment just three weeks before the elections is becoming scandal of the international dimensions. The reaction of many eminent international organizations and individuals shows outrage and unbelief how that is even possible in a democratic Europe.
Therefore, we will continue to actively participate with comprehensive information for both domestic and international public about the regression of democracy and the status of legal abuses in Slovenia. We expect the international observers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe will verify the legitimacy of the election process, associated with the parliamentary elections on 13. of July.
Destroying the reputation of the judicial system, which echoes in the international public is already discouraged interest in foreign investors for Slovenia and will have serious consequences for the economy. We expect that the president of the Supreme Court Branko Masleša and supreme judge Vesna Žalik will immediately cease abusing the law, the judicial system and let Janez Janša free and cease to cause damage to the international reputation of Slovenia.
Odbor 2014, 1. 7. 2014
Jul 02, 2014